When they were six and seven I promised my niece, Maya and granddaughter, Zoë I would someday take them to Paris. Well, the time had come: now 17 and nearly 18, the two were ready. So for the past year I poured myself into preparing for this adventure: Paris with Teens. What fun, a chance to see Paris again through young and fresh eyes! Well, I had a lot to learn and that I did, mostly fun, all enlightening on the world of today's teens, and some frustrating moments, but not enough to ruin what turned out to be a "formidable" (French word for wonderful, not formidable) adventure.
The trip started out with some trepedations as I learned the week before that my granddaughter Zoë had come down with a bad sore throat, passed off by an Urgent Care doctor as just a slight throat infection which could be treated with a simple antibiotic and surely be cleared up by our departure date a week later. We were to fly to Pennsylvania first to pick up her cousin, my niece, Maya and after three days there we would make the big "puddle jump" over the Atlantic and wing our way to Paris. Well, the best laid plans----A day before departure, I got a call that Maya had stepped on glass and couldn't walk very well. I was beginning to think our trip was jinxed but my positive nature, told me to ignore any trepidations and continue as planned---until the second day in Harrisburg when Zoë awoke with her throat nearly closed off it was so swollen. My sister-in-law, Cindy and I rushed her to Urgent Care and the throat culture proved she had mononucleosis---oh, dear, what to do now. With hasty calls back and forth to Dawn, my daughter, Zoë's mother, we began to think of cancelling the trip. I had luckily secured trip insurance just a couple weeks prior and tried to assure the girls we would be able to do it next summer. The doctor said Zoë's throat would be better in three days once the prescribed Prednisone kicked in. She would be tired and need rest periods. Cindy took Maya into her podiatrist and after some minor surgery, the glass was removed from her heel and Maya learned how to change the dressings. With the girls upbeat spirit I couldn't bear to disappoint them and so on June 13th, my brother drove us to Dulles airport in Virginia and we departed on our much awaited Parisian holiday.
Click on the slideshow of our trip to Paris:
Oh, Sher ~ I was fascinated by your account of your trip with these adventuresome young women. Your post reminded me of my visit to Paris many years ago, too. Can't wait to read the next installment. Thank you! xoAnnis